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您当前的位置:首页 » 供应产品 » Qiagen/mobio土壤微生物DNA强力提取试剂盒
产品: 浏览次数:11638Qiagen/mobio土壤微生物DNA强力提取试剂盒 
品牌: 美国mobio
产品型号: 12888-50,12888-100
产品规格: 50次,100次
最小起订量: 1 盒
供货总量: 1000 盒
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 2 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2024-10-11 09:46

PowerSoil DNA Isolation Kit


For isolating genomic microbial DNA of the highest quality and purity from most environmental samples. Ideally suited for all microbial soil sample collections.
Please check with your local distributor for prices
Description Catalog # Price
50 Preps 12888-50/47014 N/A  
100 preps 12888-100 N/A  

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- Next generation method improves PCR inhibitor removal efficiency

- Processes all soil types, including difficult environmental samples

- Patented technology removes of humic substances and PCR inhibitors

- Rapid protocol enables purification of DNA from 250 mg soil in 30 minutes

- Applications include biodefense, soil-borne pathogen detection, agriculture and zoology research


The PowerSoil DNA Isolation Kit is our next generation soil DNA kit, which uses our novel, patented Inhibitor Removal Technology to extract microbial DNA from all soil types and other environmental samples. The isolated DNA has the highest level of purity allowing for more successful PCR and QPCR amplification of organisms from the sample. The kit is ideal for processing all environmental samples including difficult types containing a high humic acid content such as compost, sediment, and manure. PCR analysis has been performed to detect a variety of organisms including both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria (e.g. Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus anthracis), fungi (e.g. yeasts, molds), algae, and actinomycetes (e.g. Streptomyces), and nematodes.

The PowerSoil DNA Isolation Kit distinguishes itself from other kits with a patented humic substance/brown color removal procedure that removes PCR inhibitors from even the most difficult soil types, promoting successful downstream PCR analysis. When choosing between the PowerSoil DNA Isolation Kit and the UltraClean Soil DNA Isolation Kit, use this kit for samples that are very high in humic content.

Do not let the name fool you. Our customers use this kit successfully on diverse sample types such as food (cheese, milk, meat, fruit), water, insects and fecal samples in a variety of applications including biodefense, agriculture and zoology. These soil kits are used by the USEPA, USDA, FBI and CDC for soil analysis.

NEW: Speed your protocol up to 20% in using our PowerVac Manifold Mini System!

Sample Kit

Click to try a sample.

Research and Development

The PowerSoil DNA Isolation Kit is More Effective for Community Analysis by PCR

  High Yield, Intact Genomic DNA

Supplier A

Supplier B
  M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Total Genomic DNA was isolated from nine different
sample types using the MO BIO PowerSoil DNA Isolation Kit
and soil DNA isolation kits from two other suppliers. All
isolations were performed following the manufacturerís
protocols. Eluted genomic DNA was displayed on a 0.8%
TAE agarose gel (15 μl per lane).


  Confidence in Your PCR Analysis

Supplier A

Supplier B
  M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

PCR analysis using eubacterial primers was performed
on 1 μl of the undiluted DNA eluate. PCR products
were displayed on a 0.8% TAE agarose gel.
Lane M is DNA Marker.

Lane 1 - Landfill 0-3 inches       Lane 4 - Coffee Compost       Lane 7 - Mud Sediment
Lane 2 - Landfill 3-6 inches       Lane 5 - Marine Sediment       Lane 8 - Horse Manure
Lane 3 - Late-stage Compost       Lane 6 - Lake Sediment       Lane 9 - Mulch Topsoil

only DNA isolated with PowerSoil yielded a PCR product for Landfill samples (lanes 1 and 2), Lake Sediment (lane 6) and Mulch Topsoil (lane 9). DNA isolated using other supplier kits failed to amplify products for these samples, most likely due to high levels of humic acid substances remaining in the final DNA eluate.

Positive PCR amplification using PowerSoil was observed with of the samples. PCR analysis resulted in only 44% positive amplification with supplier kits tested.
PowerSoil DNA Isolation Kit
Click over image to enlarge






Format Silica Spin Filter Tubes
Method Bead Beating
Binding Capacity Up to 20 μg per filter
Sample Size 250 mg
Throughput 1 - 24 samples
Time 30 minutes
Equipment Required Vortex and Vortex Adapter

Storage Conditions

Store at room temperature for up to 2 years.


  • Alcantara-Hernandez, R.J., Valenzuela-Encinas, C., Marsch, R., and Dendooven, L. Respiratory and Dissimilatory Nitrate-reducing Communities from and Extreme Saline Alkaline Soil of the Former Lake Texcoco (Mexico). Extremophiles. 13(1): 169-178 (2009).
  • Foster, J.S., Green, S.J., Ahrendt, S.R., Golubic, S., Reid, R.P., Jetherington, K.L., and Bebout, L. Molecular and Morphological Characterization of Cyanobacterial Diversity in the Stormatolites of Highborne Cay, Bahamas. ISME Journal. 1-15 (2009).
  • Giubilei, M.A., Leonardi, V., Federici, E., Covino, S., Sasek, V., Novotny, C, Federici, F., D’Annibale, A., and Petruccioli, M. Effect of Mobilizing Agents on Mycoremediation and Impact on the Indigenous Microbiota. Chemical Technology and Biotechnology. 84(6): 836-844 (2009).

Kit Components

Component 12888-50 12888-100
PowerBead Tubes
Solution C1
Solution C2
Solution C3
Solution C4
Solution C5
Solution C6
Spin Filters In Tubes
Collection Tubes
1 x 3.3 ml
1 x 14 ml
1 x 11 ml
1 x 72 ml
1 x 27.5 ml
1 x 6 ml
1 x 6.6 ml
1 x 28 ml
1 x 22 ml
1 x 144 ml
1 x 55 ml
1 x 12 ml